JavaScript can be used to control hordes of small robots, creative maker projects, and IoT devices. With the Node.js ecosystem at hand, hardware prototyping gets fun, intuitive and fast.
JavaScript on Things is the first step into the exciting world of programming for small electronics. This fully-illustrated, hands-on book teaches readers how to get going with platforms like Arduino, Tessel 2, and Raspberry Pi.
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Project author: Lyza Danger Gardner

JavaScript Robotics is on the rise. Rick Waldron, the creator of the Johnny-Five platform and lead author of Make: JavaScript Robotics, is at the forefront of this movement. This book brings together fifteen innovative programmers, each creating a unique Johnny-Five robot step-by-step, and offering tips and tricks along the way. Experience with JavaScript is a prerequisite.
Project authors: David Resseguie, Raquel Velez, Anna Gerber, Lyza Danger Gardner, Kassandra Perch, Susan Hinton, Andrew Fisher, Sara Gorecki, Julian David Duque, Jonathan Beri, Donovan Buck, Emily Rose, Bryan Hughes, Pawel Szymczykowski

Design, build, and program your own remarkable robots with JavaScript and open source hardware!
There has been a rapid rise in the use of JavaScript in recent times in a variety of applications, and JavaScript robotics has seen a rise in popularity too. Johnny-Five is a framework that gives NodeBots a consistent API and platform across several hardware systems.
This book walks you through basic robotics projects including the physical hardware builds and the JavaScript code for them. You'll delve into the concepts of Johnny-Five and JS robotics.
Project author: Kassandra Perch