The Motors class constructs a collection object containing multiple motor objects. Any method called on a Motors object will be called on each entry of the Motors object with the same parameters.

See also:


  • numsOrObjects An array of pins, motor parameter objects and/or Motor objects:

    PropertyTypeValue/ DescriptionDefaultRequired
    numsOrObjectsArrayAn entry for each motor. Any valid motor parameters will workyes

Component Initialization

With Pins

// Create three non-directional motors
new five.Motors([9, 10, 11]);

With Objects

// Create two customized motors
new five.Motors([{
  pins: {
    pwm: 3,
    dir: 12
}, {
  pins: {
    cdir: 11  


Control all members simultaneously:

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var motors = new five.Motors([
    { dir: 7, pwm: 6 },
    { dir: 8, pwm: 9 },


Control a single motor in a Motors instance:

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var motors = new five.Motors([
    { dir: 4, cdir: 5, pwm: 6 },
    { dir: 7, cdir: 8, pwm: 9 },

  // Sweep the motor on pin 9 from 0-180 and repeat.

Using multiple controllers in a single Motors instance:

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var motors = new five.Motors([
    { controller: "PCA9685", pins: { dir: 4, cdir: 5, pwm: 6 } },
    { pins: { dir: 4, cdir: 5, pwm: 6 } }

  // Sweep both motors from 0-180 and repeat.


All methods in the Motor API are available on Motors


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