The ESC class constructs objects that represent a single ESC (Electronic Speed Control) component attached to the physical board. ESC objects are similar to Servo objects as they both use PWM pins to communicate with the physical ESC. Currently, this class assumes the ESC is pre-calibrated.

See also:


  • pin A Number or String address for the ESC pin (PWM).

    var esc = new five.ESC(9);
  • Options An object of property parameters.

    PropertyTypeValue/ DescriptionDefaultRequired
    pinNumber, StringAny PWM Pin. The address of the PWM pin the ESC is attached toyes
    controllerStringDEFAULT, PCA9685. Controller interface type."DEFAULT"no
    pwmRangeArray[ min, max ] The pulse width range in microseconds.[1000, 2000]no
    deviceStringFORWARD, FORWARD_REVERSE, FORWARD_BRAKE_REVERSE. Device capability type."FORWARD"no
    neutralNumberNeutral point, usually the middle of the PWM range.Varies by deviceno

  • PCA9685 Options (controller: "PCA9685")

    addressNumberI2C device address.0x40no


Property NameDescriptionRead Only
idA user definable id value. Defaults to a generated uidNo
pinThe pin address that the ESC is attached toNo
neutralThe stopped/brake-state value of the ESC, usually the middle of PWM range.No
pwmRange[ min, max ] The pulse width range in microseconds.No

Component Initialization


new five.ESC(9);



new five.ESC({
  device: "FORWARD_REVERSE",
  controller: "PCA9685",
  pin: 1



new five.ESC({
  device: "FORWARD_REVERSE",   
  pin: 9, 



Standard, FORWARD-only ESC:

const five = require("johnny-five");
const board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  const esc = new five.ESC(11);
  const speed = 0;

  board.loop(100, () => {
    // limit to 10% for safety!
    if (speed < 10) {
      speed += 1;


  • speed(value) Deprecated. Use throttle(μs) or throttle(%)
  • throttle(μs|percentage) Throttle the speed of the ESC by setting a pulse in μs or percentage (0-100).

    var esc = new five.ESC(9);
    esc.throttle(1500); // 1500μs is half speed of a single direction or neutral of a bidirectional
    esc.throttle(50); // 50% is half speed in a single direction or neutral of a bidirectional
  • brake() Brake the ESC

    var esc = new five.ESC(9);

Calibrating an ESC

This isn't a requirement, but if you experience issues with your ESCs, it might prove helpful

Load the following sketch onto your Arduino, via the Arduino IDE follow the instructions.

This requires that the ESC's power source is off or disconnected at the start of the calibration process. You will be prompted to turn on/reconnect the power during the process.

#include <Servo.h>

#define MAX_SIGNAL 2000
#define MIN_SIGNAL 1000
#define MOTOR_PIN 12

Servo motor;

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Program begin...");
  Serial.println("This program will calibrate the ESC.");


  Serial.println("Calibrating Maximum Signal");
  Serial.println("Turn on power source, then wait 2 seconds and press any key + <enter>");

  // Wait for input
  while (!Serial.available());;

  // Send min output
  Serial.println("Calibrating Minimum Signal");


void loop() {  



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