The IMU class constructs objects that represent a single IMU module attached to the physical board. An IMU is an Inertial Measurement Unit. IMUs come in all shapes and DOFs (Degrees of Freedom). They are often made up of several components like Accelerometers, Gyros, Thermometer, and Compass/Magnetometers.

Supported modules:

This list will continue to be updated as more component support is implemented.


  • General Options

    controllerstringBNO055, LSM303C, MPU6050. The Name of the controller to use"MPU6050"no

  • MPU6050 Options(controller: "MPU6050")

    addressNumber8-bit value. The address of the component (can be switched via ADO pin)0x68no


Some of these properties may or may not exist depending on whether the IMU supports it.

Property NameDescriptionRead Only
accelerometerAn instance of Accelerometer class.Yes
compassAn instance of Compass class.Yes
gyroAn instance of Gyro class.Yes
orientationAn instance of Orientiation class.Yes
thermometerAn instance of Thermometer class.Yes

Component Initialization


// Create an MPU-6050 IMU object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the MPU6050 controller
new five.IMU({
  controller: "MPU6050",
  address: 0x68, // optional
  freq: 100      // optional



// Create an BNO055 IMU object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the BNO055 controller
new five.IMU({
  controller: "BNO055"



// Create an LSM303C IMU object:
//  - attach SDA and SCL to the I2C pins on your board (A4 and A5 for the Uno)
//  - specify the LSM303C controller
new five.IMU({
  controller: "LSM303C"



var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {

  var accelerometer = new five.IMU({
    controller: "MPU6050"

  accelerometer.on("data", function(err, data) {
    console.log("Accelerometer: %d, %d, %d", this.accelerometer.x, this.accelerometer.z, this.accelerometer.z);
    console.log("Gyro: %d, %d, %d", this.gyro.x, this.gyro.z, this.gyro.z);
    console.log("Temperature: %d", this.temperature.celsius);


The IMU does not have an explicit API. Refer to the individual components for their APIs


  • data The "data" event is fired as frequently as the user defined freq will allow in milliseconds.

  • change The "change" event is fired whenever a corresponding "change" is fired from a component.

  • calibrated The "calibrated" event is fired whenever a corresponding "calibrated" is fired from a component.


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