Breadboard for "Button - Options"
Fritzing diagram: button-options.fzz
Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/button-options.js
var five = require("johnny-five"),
board, button;
board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
// Create a new `button` hardware instance
button = new five.Button({
board: board,
pin: 8,
holdtime: 1000,
invert: false // Default: "false". Set to "true" if button is Active-Low
// Inject the `button` hardware into
// the Repl instance's context;
// allows direct command line access
button: button
// Button Event API
// "down" the button is pressed
button.on("down", function() {
// "hold" the button is pressed for specified time.
// defaults to 500ms (1/2 second)
// set
button.on("hold", function() {
// "up" the button is released
button.on("up", function() {