Servos on pins 9, 10, 11

Servos connected to pins 9, 10, and 11. Requires servos on pins that support PWM (usually denoted by ~).


Fritzing diagram: servo-three.fzz


Run this example from the command line with:

node eg/servo-animation-leg.js
const {Animation, Board, Servo, Servos} = require("johnny-five");
let ph = {
  state: "sleep"

const board = new Board();

board.on("ready", () => {

   * This animation controls three servos
   * The servos are the coxa, femur and tibia of a single
   * leg on a hexapod. A full hexapod might need 18
   * servo instances (assuming 3 degrees of freedom)
  ph.coxa = new Servo({
    pin: 9,
    startAt: 45
  ph.femur = new Servo({
    pin: 10,
    startAt: 180
  ph.tibia = new Servo({
    pin: 11,
    startAt: 180

  // Create a Servos instance for those leg parts
  ph.leg = new Servos([ph.coxa, ph.femur, ph.tibia]);

   * Create an Animation(target) object. A newly initialized
   * animation object is essentially an empty queue (array) for
   * animation segments that will run asynchronously.
   * @param {target} A Servo or Servos instance to be animated
  const legAnimation = new Animation(ph.leg);

   * This object describes an animation segment and is passed into
   * our animation with the enqueue method. The only required
   * property is keyFrames. See the Animation wiki page for a full
   * list of available properties
  const sleep = {
    duration: 500,
    cuePoints: [0, 0.5, 1.0],
    oncomplete() {
      ph.state = "sleep";
    keyFrames: [
      [null, false, { degrees: 45, easing: "outCirc" }],
      [null, { degrees: 136, easing: "inOutCirc" }, { degrees: 180, easing: "inOutCirc" }],
      [null, { degrees: 120, easing: "inOutCirc" }, { step: 60, easing: "inOutCirc" }]

   * Another animation segment
  const stand = {
    duration: 500,
    loop: false,
    cuePoints: [0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0],
    oncomplete() {
      ph.state = "stand";
    keyFrames: [
      [null, { degrees: 66 }],
      [null, false, false, { degrees: 130, easing: "outCirc"}, { degrees: 104, easing: "inCirc"}],
      [null, false, { degrees: 106}, false, { degrees: 93 }]

  // Functions we can call from the REPL
  ph.sleep = () => legAnimation.enqueue(sleep);
  ph.stand = () => legAnimation.enqueue(stand);

  // Inject the `servo` hardware into;
  // the Repl instance's context;
  // allows direct command line access

  console.log("Try running ph.stand() or ph.sleep()");



Component Classes in this example:

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