Basic LED example using PCA9685
Breadboard for "LED - PCA9685"
Fritzing diagram: led-PCA9685.fzz
Run this example from the command line with:
node eg/led-PCA9685.js
const { Board, Led } = require("johnny-five");
const board = new Board();
board.on("ready", () => {
const led = new Led({
pin: process.argv[2] || 0,
address: 0x40,
controller: "PCA9685"
// address: The address of the shield.
// Defaults to 0x40
// pin: The pin the LED is connected to
// Defaults to 0
// controller: The type of controller being used.
// Defaults to "standard".
// Add LED to REPL (optional)
board.repl.inject({ led });